
Breastfeeding, a miracle of life after birth!

Breastfeeding is an important part of our culture, a symbol of life, of nurturing, a symbol of the woman as a nurturer and provider after the miracle of childbirth. It is proven to contribute to the healthy development and well-being of societies, in short it is the ministry of life through the re-nourishment of the infant from the body fluids of its mother’s body. All mammals – including humans – take care of the survival and healthy development of their babies through breastfeeding.

Mother & baby: The benefits of breastfeeding for both

Through breastfeeding, the infant connects with its mother in a very special way, recognising her as a provider of food and therefore as a source of comfort and relief for the infant and the satisfaction of its needs. It may be said that breastfeeding ensures – among other things – a very special relationship between mother and her baby, with a variety of benefits for both sides. 

In more detail, let us briefly mention some of the benefits of breastfeeding; firstly, breast milk is completely individualized as each breastfeeding mother produces her own, which is influenced by various factors (see below) and at the same time responds to the specific needs of each infant, giving it the antibodies it needs. Furthermore, breast milk has been shown to be more easily digestible than formula milk, thus significantly reducing or even completely eliminating the first trimester infant colic that affects most babies. 

Also according to the relevant research, breastfed babies are less likely to develop allergies, and it also prevents the risk of obesity as the child is growing in later years. Similarly, the mother also benefits as breastfeeding helps her to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight more quickly, as a significant amount of calories are consumed during this particular activity. In addition, the hormone produced during breastfeeding, oxytocin, helps the uterus to return to its normal size. And these are just some of the benefits for both sides. 

From a practical point of view, we cannot overlook the fact that breast milk is the cheapest option and the easiest, as at any time you can easily feed your baby wherever you are without having to carry various utensils; in fact, with Handmade Mama Collection’s 100% handmade clothing line for breastfeeding moms, breastfeeding becomes a very easy procedure whenever you are.



  • Valuable nutrients 
  • Antibodies and immune boosting, as well as prevention and better treatment of viral & respiratory & gastro-intestinal infections
  • Available at any time, easily digestible and at the right temperature
  • Calm & good mental health, develop strong bond with mother
  • Protection from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Increased survival of premature babies
  • Prevention of allergies
  • Better metabolic profile and avoidance of obesity, diabetes, childhood cancer
  • Normal oral anatomy and dental health
  • Faster return of the uterus to normal size
  • Increased calorie burning 
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis, breast & endometrial cancer
  • Self-confidence, good mental health
  • Develop a strong bond with baby
  • Easier daily life, without unnecessary fatigue of movement 
  • Eight studies in 1.2 million mothers found that those who breastfed were 14% less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than women who never breastfed.

A few words about the composition of breast milk

Breast milk is a complex biological liquid and is the best choice for infant feeding for at least the first 6 months of the baby’s life. 

We can observe 3 stages of breast milk: Colostrum, the first milk produced by the mother’s organism, which turns into transitional milk to mature from the seventh to the tenth day postpartum. 

It is true that there are 10,000-13,500,000 living cells in a drop of breast milk. It also contains immune defense elements such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins strengthening the immune system, and finally it contains lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Breastfeeding can continue until the first two years of the infant’s life or longer, depending on the wishes of the mother and baby.

We wish all breastfeeding mothers to enjoy all the aforementioned benefits of this life-giving activity, which, not coincidentally, is the symbol of maternal love and care.


Midwifery, MsC sport and physical health
[email protected]

Editing of text: Aristi Tselou