Baby toys are your baby’s first true friends. That’s why you should choose them carefully, providing them with toys that support their needs and help them to evolve through enjoyable play. Baby toys generally have a dual purpose, which includes both developing your baby’s skills and keeping them calm. This is why many baby toys are made to help them relax and de-stress, while other baby toys focus on sharpening their senses and leading them to discover the world surrounding them.
So you can see how important the right baby toys are for your baby’s healthy development and a smooth transition from one developmental stage to the next. Fortunately, the variety is very wide and you can always take into account the preferences or special needs of your own, as long as they have been expressed by your baby.
The Handmade Baby Collection recommended baby toys
There are some timeless baby toys that hold a special place in the heart of every infant, as they are usually their first toys. They probably won’t remember them as they grow up, but they are closely linked to their first cognitive experiences.
The Handmade Baby Collection suggests three baby toys with timeless value and these are: The well-known cuddle bunny, the hand rattle and the rattle ball. Each of them serves its purpose during the development of your baby and can give them their first emotions through play; joy expressed through laughter, love expressed through hugs and positive emotions in general expressed towards their first precious baby toys. A general rule of thumb, concerning the choice of toys during the first months of the baby’s life, is to prefer toys in bright colors and designs, made of soft baby-friendly materials, in order to prevent injuries.
Why should I choose the cuddle bunny?
The cuddle bunny is part of the Handmade Baby Collection’s collection of baby toys and we proudly recommend it as a must-have for your newborn baby’s dowry.
It has multiple purposes; first of all, it absorbs mummy’s scent and in this way it offers your baby peace of mind and security, because it reminds them of mommy’s presence, which in the first months of their life is absolutely essential for their comfort.
Furthermore, you can use the cuddle bunny as a cover for your shoulder after feeding, so that the baby can be placed on it for the well-known process of digestion. Thanks to its colours and design, it attracts the baby’s attention as they grow, giving them the right stimuli needed for their brain development. Whereas, often, you will see them using the cuddle bunny to rub their gums.
Why should I choose the baby rattle?
Once your baby has reached approximately two to two and a half months of life, it’s time to start placing baby toys in their little hands, so that their palms can relax and open up. This reinforces the ability to hold and, later on, to properly handle small things like a fork or a pencil. So, if you want to help your baby in this direction through their baby toys, all you have to do is to get a baby rattle. The hand rattles you’ll find in Handmade Baby Collection are the perfect option, as this particular hand rattle is made to serve those exact needs of your baby; it has the perfect handle, two sound triggers, vibrant designs that your baby will love, and is made of 100% cotton fabric.
Plus, it’s super soft so your baby won’t get hurt, as during their first months of life they tend to bring whatever they’re holding forcefully towards their head.
Rattle ball: Is that one of the baby toys I really need?
For infants of 3,5 months and older, the rattle ball is a great game to play with. Check it out in the Handmade Baby Collection’s range of baby toys and treat your baby with it, no questions asked.
If you’re reasonably wondering how it differs from the hand rattle you bought last month, just think about how rapidly your baby’s growth is accelerating from day to day, and how their needs are constantly changing. Therefore, don’t be surprised! The rattle ball in our collection has been created from 100% cotton materials, is very soft and easy to handle for an infant of 3,5 months and older.
At this stage of your baby’s development, the rattle ball is one of the essential baby toys, as it acts as a stimulus for the baby’s mobility. Colorful designs, bright colors, sound stimuli create a toy that your baby will not want to give up and you will be counting many hours of creative play with it.
Looking for a gift? Baby toys are the perfect idea!
Whether you are visiting a family that just welcomed their baby, or you’re a guest at a Christening or a shower party, or let’s say you just want to gift something to a newborn baby and you haven’t decided on something yet, now Handmade Baby Collection has the solution for you.
You guessed right! Baby toys are a great gift option, either as a standalone gift or as a complementary gift along with other goodies.
One thing is for sure, baby toys are never enough, so don’t worry if any of them are part of the baby’s dowry already. The babies need a lot of toys, as spending time with them is essential for their healthy development. You can always choose one of the above toys, namely the cuddle bunny, hand rattle or rattle ball. All three are equally necessary and helpful and are equally good gift ideas. If you don’t want to gift just one toy, you can combine it with something else, such as a baby bathrobe, for example, or you can make an arrangement of baby toys.